
Walking the lawn

Croquet Advice
I would like to remind everyone again of some of the basic points of etiquette which are all too easily forgotten in the heat of the battle!

  1. DO NOT walk off after your shot, no matter how wonderful it is! WAIT to admire it. You can check it when it is your next shot or your partner’s.
  2. Keep out of the shooter’s line of sight, while they line up and then take their shot. This also applies when walking between the lawns, keep your eyes open on the matches going on, wait until a shot is taken before walking on again.
  3. DO NOT wonder onto the lawns where other players, singles or doubles are playing to watch shots they are making. It can be very off-putting for some players. So is someone discussing the various shots as they are played.
  4. Keep your eyes open when double banking, not just on the players in your game and their shots, line of sight etc. but also the other game going on. Remember to stand still, try to keep out of their sight lines too.

YOU, as the player about to take a shot can, politely, ask the culprit to stop
walking ahead of you, following their shot, or moving in your line of sight, or wandering into your game and chatting with you or one of the other players, or moving around the edge of the lawn while you are about to take a shot

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Croquet Advice (2203)

Double Tap, Crush, Push & Pull

If your ball is close but not touching another ball, or close to the hoop and you are not sure you are going to get it right, always get your opponent to watch your shot. We are generally playing friendlies so everyone will be more than happy to advise and help you on possible crushes, pushes, pulls or double taps.

Double Tap

When 2 balls are close and the 1st balls hits the 2nd and rebounds against the mallet.


When the mallet crushes the ball against the wire.


When the mallet keeps contact with the ball to steer it in another direction, other than a straight line or to accelerate the ball when the backswing is limited.